“Welcome, customer!”

“Healthy and delicious pumpkins, on sale only for today!”

“We invite you to a world of fantasy! Tonight at 8pm, the continent’s most popular Ashla Circus will be performing at the central square!”

Oh, it’s noisy but it’s nice to have a taste of the excitement.

I was outside of the Imperial Castle with Daddy’s permission, but of course I didn’t come outside without some sort of protection. In fact, the protective spell on me now was extraordinarily stronger than the spell Daddy had secretly placed on me in the past.

He actually wanted me to have a few escorts but I refused since I thought it’d make it difficult to roam around freely.

And, to my surprise, Daddy agreed quite easily. I was skeptical at first, but Daddy told me not to leave if I was going to doubt him needlessly, so I’ve put my worries to rest for now

“Here is the item you ordered. The Doki-Doki Heart Pounding Fondant Chocolate And Sugar-Sugar Sweet Parfait Special.”

I was visiting the dessert cafe Lucas and I stopped by before. Today, the clerk recited the dessert’s long name as if he were casting a spell.

Is it just me? It feels like the name has grown a little longer since the last time I came here.

Anyway, you look absolutely dazzling again today! I was overjoyed when I saw the dessert on the table.

Ah, at times like this, you should have someone with you to order a variety of desserts to share them with. Should I have called Lucas and brought him along?

I felt a little regretful, but time had passed and there was nothing I could do about it now. But then, the clerk placed a beautifully plated cake in front of me. Huh? I didn’t order this, though?

“This is on the house.”

“For free?”

“Indeed, for a regular customer.”


I was surprised to hear that. Mm, I did visit this cafe every time I went out, but I still didn’t expect them to recognize me. I especially didn’t expect to be called a regular by any stores outside of the palace.

Ah, but I am glad that I used magic to change my face whenever I went out since my appearance was well-known amongst the people thanks to that video of my debut that circulated three years ago.

“Then, please enjoy.”

“Thank you.”

The clerk left with a cool greeting.

It’s nice that it’s free. But, ugh, I heard you’ll become bald if you keep giving away freebies. Still, free rice is delicious, and free desserts are even better!

TL/c: I’ll be honest, I don’t have a clue where you heard that Athy. xD

I began to eat the dessert in front of me with joy. Oh, it’s so great to be able to unwind like this. Sometimes it’s necessary to spend some time alone in a place others don’t know about.

I had a relaxing time by myself, eating these wonderful desserts and gazing out the window.

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Clop clop.

TL/n: 다그닥, the sound made by horse’s hooves

A carriage stopped in the street, catching my eye. Hm? This carriage looks familiar. Is it just me? But when the carriage door opened and the person riding it stepped out, I knew why I felt like I had seen this carriage before.

As soon as that handsome man, with shiny silver eyes and eyes as gold as the sun, stepped down from the carriage, everyone’s gaze was drawn to him.

From my seat in the store, my eyes were also fixated on the scene. Then he reached out to escort the hand of another, and a beautiful girl took his hand, following him out of the carriage.

Ijekiel and Jennette were shining brilliantly and boasted an amazing presence, it was as if they had monopolized the sunlight that shone on the roadside.

The two of them, standing side by side, resembled a pair of beautifully and carefully crafted dolls. As they passed by, everyone on the street peered in their direction.

Shortly after Jennette got off the carriage, Ijekiel spoke to her.

Then Jennette opened her mouth and responded to him. I couldn’t hear what they were saying since the window was between us and they were fairly far away.

If I had used magic like Lucas, I could have easily listened in on their conversation, but I wasn’t going to do that.

I watched the friendly interaction between the two with my jaw taut. Soon after, the two of them began to move. But Jennette suddenly stopped.

Ijekiel turned his head to the side as Jennette opened her mouth with a perplexed look. Shortly after that, Ijekiel’s gaze shifted down toward her feet.

Jennette lifted the hem of her skirt slightly, her face puzzled, and I noticed her heel was wedged between the stone steps of the floor.

Oh dear, that’s not going to come out easily. Of course, you could use force to rebound your heel upwards and dislodge it from the stone, but it would be unladylike, and you’d risk breaking your heel if you did it incorrectly.

Since I’d started visiting here more frequently and become a regular, I’d seen quite a few ladies go through the same ordeal that Jennette was going through right now.

Should I help you secretly? With that thought, I began to manipulate the magic in my body.

But I didn’t have time to react. Ijekiel had also lowered himself at the same time, his brilliant silver hair ruffled by the motion. I kept a close eye on Ijekiel, who knelt and reached for Jennette’s heels. Jennette leaned and rested her thin gloved fingers on his shoulder.

In just a few seconds, Ijekiel reached and dislodged the heel with ease.

When I noticed the look in Jennette’s gaze as she watched Ijekiel rise back up, I closed my slightly gaped mouth.

What else could I call the emotion in her eyes, other than the words that came to mind now? Even to someone watching from the sidelines, it was sweet and warm, like the spring sun, and the excitement and affection contained in them were obviously conveyed. Did Ijekiel have no idea what that look meant?

I watched as the two people started moving again, with a feeling that was difficult to put into words.

Just then, it felt like my eyes had met with bright golden eyes for a moment, as if it were an illusion.

Inadvertently I hesitated, but since Ijekiel and Jennette had disappeared from my sight, I dismissed the thought.

“I should have brought Lucas too…”

I felt restless and rummaged through my parfait’s almost-melted ice cream.

“Excuse me!”

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Dammit, I need to eat more cake! Should I order the grapefruit mousse and chocolate fudge this time?

TL/c: Athy, I understand how you feel but stress eating isn’t the way to go! TnT’

I ordered so many cakes that I wondered if I would become a pig. With all the cakes laid out in front of me, I began happily eating again.

“Please pardon me for a moment.”

With my stomach full, I stared at the window, which was bathed in golden sunlight.

Suddenly, a gentle low-pitched voice filled my ears, and I sensed the presence of someone in the empty seat across from me.

‘What is this?’ were the lazy thoughts that crossed my mind as I turned my head. And soon after, I was so startled that I almost dropped the chin that had been resting on my hand.

The one in front of me right now was none other than Ijekiel! While I sat bewildered, he spoke to me again.

“Did you not make eye contact with me earlier?”

“I, I don’t remember that?”

Well, I did think that we made eye contact earlier, so that was real? But even if that were the case, why had you come all this way to talk to me?!

Ijekiel cocked his head to the side as he listened to my bewildered and stuttered remarks. Ijekiel looked good no matter which way he turned his head because of the handsome man formula.

I could feel the women nearby stealing glances at him, especially when he flashed a faint smile.

“You have a striking resemblance to someone I know.”

“So what?”

Maybe the people in the store think I’m being hunted by Ijekiel right now?

“I did not wish to miss this opportunity, so I thought I could say hello for a moment.”

But I could see now that he was playing a prank on me. Oh man, I’m at a loss.

I stared at the person in front of me for a while before giving up and groaning.

“How did you know it was me?”

“How could I not recognize you?”

Ijekiel addressed me as ‘you,’ rather than ‘Princess,’ because he was aware that we were currently outside the Imperial Castle. He didn’t seem surprised, but that might be because it wasn’t the first time he’d seen me outside the castle.

Goodbye, my face. As of today I will not be using this face. From now on, I will go out with a brand new face!

I made this promise to myself as I looked at Ijekiel, who had immediately recognized me from a distance despite my face being hidden by magic.

“What about Miss Margarita, who came with you?”

“I was supposed to look for cufflinks while Jennete was fitted for a dress.”

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“Then, according to your original purpose…”

“It’s fine. Even if I looked, I wouldn’t have found anything I liked.”

I was startled by Ijekiel’s quietly whispering voice.

Player…? Is he a player? Ijekiel, did he turn out to be a player? How can you say that so naturally…

That could be the only explanation for why he was sitting across from me, exuding coolness, before I had even given him permission to sit.

“Since it will just be for a short time, would you allow me to accompany you? I only want to be close for a while so you can treat me as if I’m someone you don’t know.”

I could have treated Ijekiel’s whisper the same as his words and thrown him away.

As I had already done so far, I should’ve done so again this time, and doing so was the better choice for me.

However, I found it difficult to push him away because of the words that reached my ears.

I looked at him silently for a moment before letting out a small sigh.

“You’re far too bold to be treated as if you don’t exist.”

After hearing my words, Ijekiel laughed.

“But…it seems you have quite the appetite.”

For a brief moment, his eyes scanned the table, and I heard an unpleasant sound in my ear. Oh, right. I ate a lot of cake.

I felt somewhat embarrassed to see the numerous plates between him and me and the remains of the cakes on them.

“Surely you’re aware that there’s a separate stomach for desserts?”

“So there was such a myth.”

Hmph, you’re trying to tease me like this. Why is this happening when Jennette also eats quite a lot when she’s with me?

If you’ve only seen Jennette eat like a bird all this time, then it must be because she likes you.


The scene I’d witnessed outside the window suddenly flashed through my mind once more.

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