Once they finished organizing everything, Lin Fan gathered everyone together.

There was still something that they had to discuss.

"How should we split the items that were found here?" Lin Fan didn't beat around the bush at all as he directly asked this.

The elders all revealed awkward looks when they heard how direct Lin Fan was.

This made it hard for them to say what they wanted to say.

There were some of them that wanted a few of the items that they had appraised and were planning on secretly talking to Lin Fan about this. But now that he had brought this matter in front of everyone, it made it hard for them to say anything in private.

After all, this had become a matter that everyone was involved in now.

Seeing the awkward looks on the faces of the elders and that no one was saying anything, Lin Fan could already guess what they were thinking.

He had already expected this when he asked this question, but he still had to ask it.

Not to mention, he had already prepared what he would say after asking this question.

Lin Fan didn't say it right away as he waited for this situation to settle first, but then after giving them some time to think, he presented his idea.

"If everyone doesn't mind, I have a proposal to make."

The elders were all surprised to hear this from Lin Fan, but they slowly gave nods of agreement.

After all, they didn't have any ideas about this right now, so if Lin Fan had an idea, they wanted to hear it and see what it was before coming to a decision.

Seeing that the elders agreed, Lin Fan continued.

"I want to offer these things to everyone as part of the treasures of the Love Sect, but I want to use our current method of exchanging for items. That means that if anyone has anything that they want, they can submit a request with the sect treasury and pay the proper amount of contribution points for the item."

The elders couldn't help revealing surprised looks once more when they heard this.

They had been certain that Lin Fan would want to keep these items for himself since he was the one that had finished the trial all on his own. He was even the owner of this Minor World and could keep these treasures away from them if he wanted to.

This was something that was just accepted as the norm in the cultivation world, so they weren't surprised by this.

But the proposal that he made would make it so that even the normal disciples would have access to these items if they wanted.

Wasn't the sect master being too generous?

Those spirit beasts and herbs that were in the Minor World were perfect things for collecting. These would help replenish the stock of lower realm ingredients in their treasury, even if there was increased exchange because of all these points given to the elders.

So everyone was happy about this solution that Lin Fan had come up with.

But Lin Fan didn't join in since there was still something else that he needed to address.

In fact, this was the main reason why he had given them all of this in the first place.

There was the part of making them stronger, but it was more giving them the carrot before the stick so they would be more inclined to accept.

While they were celebrating, Lin Fan suddenly said, "As for the rest of the items that we can't identify, I want to seal them up inside of this place. I want them to remain in the Minor World indefinitely until we are strong enough to use them."

All of the elders immediately stopped celebrating when they heard this.

They slowly turned to look at Lin Fan with strange looks, but it didn't seem like they were against this idea. It was just that they couldn't understand why Lin Fan would suddenly propose something like this.

The elders were silent for a bit before one of them suddenly asked, "Sect master, even if we can't use many of them, there are still a few that we can use. We can slowly analyze those and gain insight from them, so we shouldn't seal up everything, right?"

Lin Fan just gave a decisive shake of the head to this before saying, "No, this will be the doom of our Love Sect if we do this."

The elders turned to look at Lin Fan with shocked looks when they heard this.

Wasn't this…a bit too exaggerated?

Would it really be the doom of their Love Sect if anyone were to find out about this?

Lin Fan could see the looks of doubt that they had, so he explained, "In the Minor Realm, no one will be able to detect the aura of these items. But if we take them out…"

Slowly, the expressions on the faces of the elders started to change.

Lin Fan kept pushing with, "If it was before where we were still sealed off, then we could do something about this. But now that we have revealed ourselves to the world, it will be impossible to hide this once someone discovers it."

The elders all revealed bitter smiles when they heard this.

In a sense, this was the consequences of their own actions.

If this was before, they might be able to do something. But now that the Love Sect had entered the spotlight and had powerful enemies in the Five Great Sects…this was not a risk that they could take if they wanted to survive.

In a sense, Lin Fan was right to say that it would be the doom of the Love Sect if they did take it out.

Lin Fan could see the looks that were on the faces of the elders, so he didn't say anything as he let his words set in.

He could tell by the looks on their faces that they were slowly realizing that he was right, they just needed time to accept it.

In the end, it was Senior Brother Ying who said, "I agree with the sect master."

Once one domino fell, it was a chain reaction as the rest of the elders all agreed with Lin Fan's suggestion.

With that, they agreed to seal the rest of these items in this Minor World.

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