With that decided and everything in here searched, there was nothing left for them in this Minor World.

So they went back up the portal and appeared in the same forest as before.

Then Lin Fan sealed off that space by closing the portal and returning it to an exit portal.

That was the interesting mechanism that had been put in place for that room.

Unless one was in control of the Minor Realm, it was impossible for them to reach that place.

At the same time, it deterred many people from doing this since accessing that place meant sealing themselves in this place forever. Getting rid of the exit just to get the treasures of Feng Yu's inheritance, it really didn't seem worth it.

So unless one had full control of the Minor Realm, they wouldn't do something like this.

Not to mention, they wouldn't even be able to do something like this in the first place.

The exit portal and the portal for the room that contained the treasures was a powerful artifact that Feng Yu himself had created.

Unless one was more powerful than Feng Yu, they wouldn't have been able to forcefully change the portal into that of the treasure room. So it would be a safe place for them to keep the treasures in the future.

After leaving that treasure room, Lin Fan waved his hand at the elders and said, "Let's go."

The elders followed Lin Fan back into the forest and over to the camp that they had left behind.

When they came back, the disciples immediately rushed over to ask them what happened.

However, Lin Fan just raised his hand to calm them down before saying, "From now on, we'll be holding a proper training session. You will be hunting spirit beasts as if your life depends on it. Those that hunt more will receive more sect merit to exchange for rewards."

The elders and disciples were all shocked when they heard this.

After all, not a single one of them expected Lin Fan to suddenly say something like this.

But when the elders thought about it, they realized that Lin Fan was right.

It wasn't as if they needed to go back right away.

They had the illusion array in place to fool the ones watching them and it would take a while for the regular disciples to hunt spirit beasts in the wilderness. So they didn't need to return with the disciples right away.

Instead, it was better for them to stay in this Minor World and harvest as many resources as they could before leaving.

After being shocked for a bit, the disciples slowly revealed excited looks.

After all, they still hadn't had enough training yet.

Plus they could understand that since Lin Fan had said this, it meant that whatever the threat was had already been dealt with. Now they could freely move around in this Minor World without worry.

Well, they couldn't freely move around since there were still powerful spirit beasts that wandered around.

But at the very least, they could focus on training to their hearts' content.

After all, there was no one that wouldn't be proud if they received praise.

But there were some that would be even prouder.

The best way to motivate people was friendly competition. So there should be those that were rewarded for doing better than others.

Only then would they be properly motivated to become stronger.

Naturally, Lin Fan's disciples were among them along with the ones that had shown off in the sect recruitment. However, not a single person was envious of them or thought that this was strange.

After all, they had been showing off their powers the entire time in this Minor World.

Even a person who was blind would be able to see how much they outclassed the others.

So it wasn't strange that they were at the top.

The same went for the others that stood out at the sect recruitment. They had shown power far beyond the others, so they were just expected to outperform everyone else.

For these disciples that stood at the top, Lin Fan gave them sect merit points that were equal to what the elders would receive.

But that wasn't the end of it.

From the very beginning, Lin Fan had already planned on giving the rest of the disciples sect merit points as well.

The main reason for this was to give them sect merit points so they could exchange for items.

After all, the main reason why they did any of this was to make them stronger.

Giving them the sect merit points was indirectly giving them these items to make them stronger.

The disciples were all excited when they heard this.

As he looked over the excited looks on the faces of the disciples in front of him, Lin Fan could tell that all of them looked closer to each other compared to before.

It was clear that they had gotten much closer after this training session.

But the strange thing was that some of them had also bonded with the spirit beast puppets that had been sent with them.

These spirit beast puppets shouldn't have been able to form bonds with these disciples in the first place since they were nothing more than puppets…

Could it be that because of the Control Worms in them, they behaved like normal when not controlled by the Control Toad?

If that was the case, then would it really be considered controlling them?

Lin Fan stopped himself from going too far down this tangent and focused on the matter at hand.

After making sure that everything was announced, he said, "Let's pack up and get ready to leave."

The disciples all revealed excited looks when they heard this.

After all, it was time for their triumphant return.

They were certain that many sects and powers would have their eyes on them after this event, so they were looking forward to showing off their new powers.

Without knowing it, they had become addicted to showing off after being forced into hiding for so long.

If Lin Fan knew that this would happen…he wouldn't have let the Love Sect reveal themselves in the first place…

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